Eco Potash (Potassium Gluconates)

Potassium Deficiency:

Potassium Deficiency Leads to:
Slow maturing of crops & Premature senescence. Poor quality fruits of reduced size & weight. Low Sugar content.

Visible Symptoms:

  • Necrosis of Leaf Margins (Leaf Scorching) Curling & Crinkling.
  • Slender Stalks, Drying & Withering.
  • Small sized, Low- Weight & Dis-Colored fruits with Non-Uniform expansion at ends.
  • .

Eco Potash (Potassium Gluconates) Benefits:

  • Aids in translocation of carbohydrates and starch (Sugars).
  • Improves quality of farm produce in terms of size, shapes, color, taste, Sweetness and fibre quality.
  • Increase Fruit/Bulb number & size (Bulking).

Dose of Application:

Foliar: 2 - 2.5 ml/ltr of water or spray solution.

Fertigation: 1-1.5 lit per acre.